Have you ever wondered if the hunger you’re feeling isn’t really coming from your stomach, and that’s why you often feel as though you can never get enough no matter how much (or how little) you eat?
If you still want more even after you’ve eaten, it may be that your body has a need for different food. It may be about not eating enough. It may be you have a hunger not related to food that has not been fed. It may be that you are having the perfect body-mind response to eating having been made into a moral issue of right or wrong in our culture.
Whether you feel you over eat, nosh more than you’d like, binge or grapple with thoughts about what not to eat, food most likely has become something other than just food for you. Maybe it’s a way you enjoy your sensual or social self, soothe feelings or celebrate for a job well done. Perhaps food is the constant “friend” always there when you are in need, or a way to take refuge during tough times. Perhaps it’s about being caught in our collective mindset of restriction regarding food and noursihment.
Beyond the physical, emotional, and social connection food plays in your life, there is another level often invisible to all of us. It is a level of profound transformation calling us into the nourishing fullness of our life— a call into wholeness itself.
This voice of wholeness is enfolded in our cravings, middle of the night raids into the fridge, and eating past the point of having had enough to eat.
My work with eating creates a safe and comfortable atmosphere to compassionately exhume the healing that is tucked into eating. This is an invitation into healing our relationship with food, our body, and life.
Each session provides you with a rich overview, practical tools and eating inquires that have helped hundred’s of Terry’s clients discover eating as a portal to spiritual awakening and reconnection with the divine within all of us.
I believe strongly that our culture of chronic dieting marketing designer bodies in the pursuit of “perfection” normalizes an insidiously destructive mindset for what women are supposed to love, dream about, be, do and look like, and obscures from us all from what’s at the root of gnawing hunger, body hatred and longing. As a man, therapist and a healer, it enrages me and breaks my heart.
There are good reasons why you may be suffering in regards to eating. You may think you’re crazy, or bad, or have no will power or self-control, and that there’s something wrong with you at the core. But there’s hidden reasons to feel dissatisfied regarding your life with food that I want to help you uncover and heal so you can discover your own truth and authority.
If you’d like support in feeling empowered around eating, get out from under shame, confusion or fear, shift your relationship with your body and food, I’d like to help you.
I created my Real Fullness approach to heal the wounds of long-term dieting and emotional eating so you can find your personal path back to health, purpose, fulfillment and aliveness.
Discover deep resources within yourself for fulfillment. Learn how eating can align you with your deeper purpose.
As a mind body psychotherapist and eating coach for over 25 years, I have helped hundreds of people find their way out of chronic dieting and into an experience of true caring for their body. Through deep inquiry, I had discovered the behind the scenes causes for why people overeat, and developed a unique method to shift the heartbreaking conditions of chronic dieting so my clients can experience Real Fullness, as part of their life journey.
I grew up watching the women in my family, as well as myself struggle with eating. After years of suffering with this emotional and physical debilitation, I awoke to the true reality of eating. I saw how many programs offering help for over eating lacked the dimensionality for developing the bodymind wisdom connection necessary to nourish an integrative vision for wholeness. Coming to the realization that dieting created great harm to women’s lives, I know in my heart, mind and soul people struggling with food are seekers of truth wanting to return to their fullest and healthiest self.
I’ve taught this transformational eating work locally as well as at Kripalu Yoga Center in Lenox, Ma., the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, N.Y., and mind-body workshops at Renfrew Conferences.
Working with Terry has truly been transformational. Over the past year I have lost almost 30 pounds and I’m getting ready to run my second half marathon. Having never run in my life or not been a person that exercises, this is truly a miraculous feat! I never believed that my life could change in such profound ways! At 46my life is taking a completely new direction, I have a new career a new relationship with my body and a much richer life! Thank you Terry!
Karen Proctor, LMSW, Acc, Certified Life Coach
“My biggest discovery has been that I am my own version of normal. Terry has guided me gently into who I’ve become and always really been. I’ve learned how to belong to myself after being brought up without a sense of belonging. Terry has helped me see who I am with great loving guidance of the highest kind. As a third generation food addict, I now feel as free as I could ever have imagined.
Working with Terry has given me hope, validation and knowledge around food and my life beyond preconceived scope. When eating was my drug of choice I knew deep inside of me something had to change. I was hoping to find my real self. I did. Terry has been a Sherpa for my soul, gently and consistently.
I KNOW that I am extremely fortunate to have sought healing through working with Terry. It has been life changing for me. He “tunes in” like no person I have ever known. Wholly and intuitively listening, available 100%, Terry is able to illuminate the human condition as it relates to eating. I am very grateful for the opportunity to work with him.”
J.M., Callicoon NY
“Terry Nathanson’s approach to eating well is filled with the light of loving kindness and compassionate wisdom. His work is solid, practical and filled with the intelligence of the heart. He is a true bodhisattva who understands that healing our relationship to eating is healing our relationship to all of life. “
Brenda Carter Blessings, Interfaith Minister
Nondual Kabbalistic Healing Lead Teacher, Supervisor and Healer
I have been especially curious and attentive to the quality of the way in which I relate to food – just observing – and with clients, more attuned to the way in which the person might “come to the table” in our work…the quality of their engagement and presence in the room and between us. I look forward to our next meeting.
I have not been able to stop thinking about the “Table of Origin Work” as it was so powerfully affective, getting to the heart of emotional and visceral experience so directly. So, I am very much looking forward to learning more about your approach and using this model. I am recalling the excellent “Chocolate Eating Experience” as well, this would be both DEVOURED and profoundly savored.
Your observations about process in experience are so valuable. I left the group feeling inspired to stay tuned in, and more deeply committed to my own work with self and others. The challenge to survive the dynamics at the table and do my own work is very great. I have experienced that especially as an artist, but really fundamentally as a fully alive person in any important area of life.
Both the Table of Origin Work and the Integrative Psychotherapy work, fed my love of experiential/action methods – and I kept thinking of how naturally role play might be combined with the “table work”. I became a therapist to integrate the expressive experiential with the insight process, but I have found myself stuck in the chair these past years. The work you shared inspires me to find my way back in that direction.
Christina Wright, LCSW
Thank you … it’s been pretty amazing actually … I feel like my hungry ghost isn’t quite so hungry and there’s a lightness that I haven’t felt before. I feel 50 lbs lighter and my relationship to “enough” has surely changed. Terry has an expertise and keen sensitivity that fosters a deep trust and has facilitated an opening into the origins of my overeating. He is a brilliant and gifted healer and as given me hope that a lifelong pattern of over eating can be potentially changed and healed.
Donna Willems
Although I have been a student of mindfulness for quite some time, I had not consistently applied such a focus to my way of eating, of paying attention to how I ingested. I have been surprised to discover, as a result of Terry’s workshop, that doing so has put me into a healing relationship not only with the basic act of feeding myself, but with how I take in anything at all.
I discovered that I gulped food, often hardly aware of the nuances of taste and texture; eating for me was often just a chore, not intrinsically delightful. Importantly, I discovered that there is a connection between how I take food in and how my digestion proceeds; with a lifetime history of a tendency towards stomach problems I began to realize that my digestion, like everything else in my life, operates contextually, not simply mechanically.
Perhaps more profoundly, I have gone on to learn more about my relationship to the experience of pleasure in general; rather than overruled by hurrying, furtiveness, and the impression of fleetingness, I am becoming increasingly aware of the beauty and intrinsic value of perception itself, beyond analysis. Whereas my dominant concern about food had been in regard to nutrition, I increasingly now perceive and enjoy freshness, for example, and how a perceptual state, whether that of tasting or any other, can linger if I permit it to, providing unexpected joy. I allow myself to be more sensual now.
I had assumed I had neither the time nor the need to come into this kind of a relationship – one of gentleness and conscious delight – with an aspect of my embodiment, whereas now I find myself wondering how I could have been so depriving of myself for so long. Learning about how I take in food is therefore contributing to a more holistic and heart-centered way of being in the world for me. I am very grateful to Terry for exploring and revealing these connections.
Sylvia O